My Journal: 5 Diamond

Saturday, September 23, 2006

5 Diamond

Time really flies. In a twinkling of an eye, you have to sit for your oral exams. Good luck to everyone and do your best!

5 Diamond showed me the power of unity and the spirit they have, putting in their best foot forward to achieve the goals they have set. Their determination and "never-say-die" (I guess, it should have been "cannot-lose") attitude stunned me and definitely touched me. It came to me that this is the most united class I have ever taught in my 7 years of teaching. Like the way you like to say, "5 Diamond rocks!"

The usually quiet ones, "cannot-sit-next-to-girls" ones, "rowdy" ones, "bo-chap" ones, "against-everything-for-no-reason" ones, "out-to make-you-angry" ones, and quarrelsome ones, all worked together to go for a win for the reading caterpillar competition. Everyone contributed and took up roles on their own initiative to construct the longest caterpillar (highest in average) in the bid to clinch the championship.

Whether you win or not for the competition, everyone of you is already a winner. You have won. You have won in terms of unity and you have won as a class. I am proud of you, 5 Diamond.

Whatever the results may be, we must congratulate the winner and continue to strive for the excellence.


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